Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back 2 Mac

B2M is a fantastic program with great incentives for any heavy MAC user and makeup lover. I do not find it to be inconsistent at all. If you return 6 empties of ANY PRIMARY PACKAGING, ie a wipe pack, foundation bottle, lipstick, you can receive one of three different choices - a lipstick with the exception of Viva Glam, as all proceeds from those go to charity so they won't forfeit charitable donations to give it to you for free, an eye shadow, OR a lipglass. If you B2M at a counter, not a freestanding store, you can only choose a lipstick. Products don't even have to be empty! I absolutely hated a moisturizer I tried, and B2M'd the half-used container with no issues. So far, with every counter/store I've B2M'd with across the country, the policies have been very consistent.
I've been told they're going to stop accepting depotted shadow containers (meaning the plastic container missing the metal pan w/ shadow in it, that has been removed and placed into a palette), but as I have not recycled one in quite some time, I am unsure as to where that stands. Keep in mind you CAN B2M Viva Glam products, just anywhere I've ever recycled at has told me you cannot get them in return. Also, they do accept specially packaged products to recycle, but they are another product you cannot get in return, just like you can't use a Pro Card discount on them.
It makes me feel better about not just tossing my old containers to go to the landfill, and in return for recycling, I get another product I want to try, or is a staple! Wonderful idea that I wished more companies used.

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